業 績 |
- Tsunoda K, Mutsuzaki H, Hotta K, Tachibana K, Shimizu Y, Fukaya T, Ikeda E, Wadano Y. Correlates of shoulder pain in wheelchair basketball players from the Japanese national team: a cross-sectional study. Journal of Back and Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation. 29(4): 795-800. 2015
- Tsunoda K, Hotta K, Mutsuzaki H, Tachibana K, Shimizu Y, Fukaya T, Ikeda E, Kitano N, Wadano Y. Sleep Status in Male Wheelchair Basketball Players on a Japanese National Team. Journal of Sleep Disorders & Therapy 4(4): No. 210, 2015
- Tsunoda K, Kai Y, Kitano N, Uchida K, Kuchiki T, Okura T, Nagamatsu T. Domains of physical activity and self-reported health. Bulletin of the Physical fitness Research Institute 113: 9-14, 2015
- Tsunoda K, Kitano N, Kai Y, Uchida K, Kuchiki T, Okura T, Nagamatsu T. Prospective study of physical activity and sleep in middle-aged and older adults. American Journal of Preventive Medicine 48(6): 662-773, 2015
- Tsunoda K, Kitano N, Kai Y, Tsuji T, Soma Y, Jindo T, Yoon J, Okura T. Transportation mode usage and physical, mental and social functions in older Japanese adults. Journal of Transport & Health 2(1): 44-49, 2015
- Tsunoda K, Kai Y, Uchida K, Kuchiki T, Nagamatsu T. Physical activity and risk of fatty liver in people with different levels of alcohol consumption: a prospective cohort study. BMJ Open 4:e005824, 2014
- 角田憲治,甲斐裕子,北濃成樹,内田賢,朽木勤,大藏倫博,永松俊哉.身体活動が睡眠時間および睡眠の質に与える影響:縦断研究に基づく検討.体力研究 112: 8-17, 2014
- Tsunoda K, Soma Y, Kitano N, Tsuji T, Mitsuishi Y, Yoon JY, Okura T. Age and gender differences in correlations of leisure-time, household, and work-related physical activity with physical performance in older Japanese adults. Geriatrics and Gerontology International 13(4): 919-927, 2013
- Tsunoda K, Tsuji T, Kitano N, Mitsuishi Y, Yoon JY, Yoon J, Okura T. Associations of physical activity with neighborhood environments and transportation modes in older Japanese adults. Preventive Medicine 55(2): 113-118, 2012
- 角田憲治,大藏倫博.高齢者の身体活動量と心理的状態、ソーシャルネットワークとの関連性.体育測定評価研究 11: 1-11, 2011
- 角田憲治,三ッ石泰大,辻大士,尹智暎,村木敏明,堀田和司,大藏倫博.地域在住高齢者の身体活動量は外出形態,抑うつ度, ソーシャルネットワークと関連するか―余暇活動,家庭内活動,
仕事関連活動に基づく検討― .日本老年医学会雑誌 48(5): 516-523, 2011
- 角田憲治,尹智暎,辻大士,鴻田良枝,真田育依,村木敏明,三ッ石泰大,大藏倫博.体力水準の異なる高齢者に対する、短期間、低頻度の運動介入の効果―Square-Stepping Exerciseを中心とした運動介入―.厚生の指標 58(2): 6-13, 2011
- 角田憲治,辻大士,尹智暎,村木敏明,大藏倫博.地域在住高齢者の余暇活動量、家庭内活動量、仕事関連活動量と身体機能との関連性.日本老年医学会雑誌 47(6): 592-600, 2010